YCP Announces National Episcopal Advisor and Co-Chaplains

Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) is pleased to announce that 3 extraordinary shepherds will now be serving YCP in an official capacity.
Most Reverend Edward J. Burns, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas, will serve as national episcopal advisor. In this role Bishop Burns will support YCP expansion, communicate with dioceses about YCP’s purpose, and serve as a spiritual guide for the organization.
“It is with great joy that I endorse Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) and encourage all Catholics to support this important organization,” said Bishop Burns. “To my brother bishops, I say please consider welcoming this group into your diocese. To Young Adult Diocesan Directors, please feel confident in welcoming YCP. And, to young workers across the country, I say, get involved! I pray this ministry will thrive throughout the country so that our Catholic faith will flourish in the world today.”
Monsignor Eugene Morris, from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and Monsignor Charles E. Pope, from the Archdiocese of Washington, will be serving as YCP’s national co-chaplains. Monsignor Morris has hosted a weekly radio program on WRYT, Catholic radio in St. Louis, and has been a spiritual director for the Inner Life, a program on Relevant Radio, in addition to being a weekly commentator on Catholic affairs for the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Catholic Radio in Cincinnati. Monsignor Pope has written for Our Sunday Visitor and National Catholic Register, in addition to hosting EWTN’s “Morning Glory” radio show.
With the guidance of these incredible leaders, YCP will continue on its quest to create modern-day saints. YCP is building a vibrant community that empowers young workers to live and share the Catholic faith, not only through their professional vocations, but in all areas of their lives. YCP has the capacity to play a unique role in our Church by bringing together Catholics from different generations and vocations who serve the Church as a unified body dedicated to Working in Witness for Christ.